Exhibitors 2018

Result for TAG "Food & Agriculture"

FONDAZIONE ITS TECH & FOOD - Sebastiano Porretta
1) Seasonings with celery salt; 2) Smoothie with whey; 3) Biscuits with insect flour.

"SUPERNUT" proposes economic and green technologies for the use of the antioxidants of hazelnut skin for food and cosmetic products

Niccolo Calandri e Riccardo Balzaretti
3Bee designs new IoT monitoring systems to reduce chemical and antibiotic treatments in farming animals using data driven solutions

Francesco Pantuso
the present project refers to an apparatus to allow a correct and controlled leavening of dough based on flours

Giuseppe Coletti, Giancarlo Panico, Gennaro Cirillo
The best free app to help consumers recognize the authentic Italian food everywhere and to support Italian wine&food companies to sell more abroad

Classe 3 indirizzo Automazione della scuola ITT Allievi-Sangallo di terni
The project, created as part of the " Adecco-Siemens" internship programe " Build your future " was proposed as a work commissioned by the company "S-M inox" for the automation of a wine fatcory

5BC I.T.T.S. "Volta" Perugia
Ball Matic is an automatic spherulator made with the 3D printer that can be used in molecular cooking

FVA new media research
What is bioeconomy? What are bio-based products? Come and discover it at the BIOECONOMY Village!

Marco Vitale, Davide Costa, Fabio Fiori
Food-chain is an open and decentralised blockchain-enabled ecosystem that tracks business workflows within the food supply chain.

Kinoa & Recrew Team
Do you want a drink? Just say "Hey Calinda", and ask for what you want.

Classe IVA Chimica - ITI Cannizzaro Catania
The students have extracted allicin from garlic and capsaicin from chilli peppers. Allicin and capsaicin are pesticides and can be used in the vegetable garden or in the garden without any risk to the health and the environment.

Giorgia Pontetti
CHEF, an innovative, compact, sterile, fully computerized hydroponic Vertical Farm, for healthy and clean cultivations at 0Km.

BioCannDo develops clear and scientifically sound messages and communication materials to inform consumers about bio-based products.

D'ADONE is a particular type of vegetable stock cube made recycling unused parts of vegetables during the industrial food processes.

Several agro-food by-products can be used as feedstocks for biotechnological processes to produce functional food ingredients and volatile aroma compounds by microorganisms

Cristina Corsi, Ciro D'Elia, Mario Molinara
Sensing applications (environment, security, smart-cities, archaeology) and processing (data-mining, AI, IoT) allowing the transformation of data into fruitful information.

Veronica Sberveglieri, Giorgio Sberveglieri, Elisabetta Comini, Estefania Núñez Carmona, Marco Abbatangelo
Smart Olfactive Nanotechnological Sensors Tools (S3) for Life Science Applications

Damiano Angelici - Giovanni Di Mambro
Elaisian is the first precision farming system for olive oil producers

Arpaia Pasquale, Francesco Bonavolontà, Francesco Serino, Ferdinando Chianese, Luca Porzio, Rosario Schiano Lo Moriello, Edoardo Campoluongo, Annalisa Liccardo
AIRPOD, Unina Corse, AR

Marco Ferrantini
Foglia is an open-source smart hydroponic greenhouse project remotely controllable using your smartphone. Build your personal greenhouse and start growing your plants!

Future Food Institute
FutureFoodZone tour will talk about the relationship between man and science through the fil rouge of FOOD

Valerio Joe Utzeri, Anisa Ribani, Samuele Bovo
GRIFFA controls food DNA using innovative technologies and algorithms by detecting ingredients, allergens and pathogens in food.

Davide Fiori, Daniele Alberti, Lorenzo Merlotti, Giulio Carlassare, Pietro Nonis
PALMO, THE FIRST WEARABLE DEVICE FOR COOKING Palmo has been conceived thinking of human interaction in environments where manual skill and technique are applied to food preparation. The goal is to increase the perception of reality thanks to the combination of sensors integrated to strategic points in the hand and an App designed specifically for the execution of recipes and preparations.

Alessandro Varesano, CoLABorando srls
Healthy solar experience. Cook better and natural with the sun! With the help of expert chefs everyone can try solar receipts.

Hotbox Food
Hotbox is the most advanced device in the world to deliver the quality of the food until your home's table

Roberta Paolini e GoWare Edizioni
A children's book-game that allows you to create many courses like a real chef, combining innovation, craftsmanship and creativity: all with paper!

Studenti Gian Lorenzo Villa e Lorenzo Romagnoli della classe 5C (coordinati dai Prof. Roberta D'Agostino e Daniele Impellizzeri) - Istituto Tecnico Agrario “Giuseppe Garibaldi” Roma
βίος is a home vertical hydroponic growing system for a healthier and environmentally sustainable diet exploiting food waste compost as fertilizer.

Kanèsis is the Italian brand that has developed an innovative project for the develop ment of sustainable patented industrial processes and materials starting from different agricultural supply chains wastes.

Gabriella Cincotti, Massimiliano Lucidi, Michele Zia, Giulia Luciano, Marcela D’Angelo
Students of the Biophotonics course in Rome Tre will demonstrate biological experiments using the We-Lab microscope and spectrophotometer.

Marco Verducci e Patrizia Danese
LACTOSOLUTION is lactase enzyme 15.000 FCC supplement to help people with lactose intolerance to eat whatever they want.

Make a Shape
Make a Shape is an innovative and brilliant company, specialized in the production of filaments for 3D printers in which young minds invent, test and continuou …

Media Direct Srl
CampuStore's motto is Innovation for education, where education does not only stand for schools and universities, but also any other organization dealing with t …

Corrado, Monica e Leonardo Sperduti Rampini
MIOBIO, apartment greenhouse, domestic appliance for organic indoor gardening

II° Anno ITS Meccatronico Veneto, sede di Treviso. Gruppo Mojito Machine.
Mojito Machine is the perfect machine for your parties, it is very handy and has small dimensions.

Damanhur - Federazione di Comunità
The Music of the Plants device is based on a biofeedback system, that measures the bio frequency of the plants.

Stefano Alcaro, Francesco Ortuso, Anna Artese, Giosuè Costa, Federica Moraca, Roberta Rocca, Maria Concetta Gidaro, Isabella Romeo, Carmine Talarico, Donatella Bagetta, Annalisa Maruca, Antonio Lupia, Francesca Alessandra Ambrosio, Francesco Mesiti, Raff
Net4Science spin off offers to pharma/biotech/agrifood companies a unique multi-targeting drug discovery program for prevention the cure of complex diseases.

Artibani Lorenzo, Capannoni Alessandro, Di Febbo Stefano, Nardo Gianluca, Tomarelli Marco
ORTO 2.0 is a digital platform that give to everyone the opportunity to manage a real vegetable garden by mobile.

Chimica Verde Bionet
Chimica Verde Bionet is a no-profit organization that promotes and develops, according to ecological and sustainable criteria, the research, the application and the dissemination of industrial products based on plant.

Digitaleria: Tommaso Spagnoli Lino Di Crescenzo
Our idea is to create a vertical, monitored and controlled farm, to be placed inside the houses to get fresh vegetables.

Istituto Tecnico Economico e Tecnologico "Girolamo Caruso" Alcamo
The Virtual Reality can be used to make the final user aware of the different ingredients of the served and tasted products, but also of the traceability of the supply chain.

Dr Melesse Temesgen
Our project is an agricultural tool used to create broad bed and furrows that drain excess water from waterlogged vertisols.

Saverio Danubio, Paolo Zampieri, Stefano Plescia
Thermocomposting for heat extraction out of wood waste and compost production

Beniamino Gioli, Piero Toscano, Alessandro Matese, Filippo Di Gennaro, Andrea Berton Federico Carotenuto, Alessandro Zaldei, Carolina Vagnoli
Un nuovo approccio per l’agricoltura di precisione si basa sulla robotica, in cui una piattaforma tecnologica (drone o un rover terrestre) può prendere decisioni autonome basandosi sul contesto, come riconoscere una pianta da sottoporre ad un trattamento, o ricostruire la geometria dei filari per potersi muovere al suo interno. Per questa applicazione abbiamo impiegato tecnologie basate su sensori low-cost derivati dal segmento automotive, quali laser scanner e sensori ottici. Verranno mostrate alcune soluzioni tecnologiche (stazione agrometeorologica low cost Agroduino), una piattaforma UAV ed un insieme di sensori laser ed ottici.

#SensingCheese 4.0 improves the cheese production process through on-line and real-time control of the chemical-physical parameters of the caciotta in maturation.

Martino Colciago
SmartGreen is an hydroponic greenhouse automatized by Arduino and Raspberry Pi , controlled by an app or a bot on Telegram.

Fabiana Arduini, Stefano Cinti, Noemi Colozza, Maria Rita Tomei, Vincenzo Mazzaracchio, Eleonora Marcoccio, Danila Moscone
Paper-based (bio)sensors for a sustainable measurement of different compounds in biomedical, environmental, and agri-food areas.

Sviluppo Campania S.p.A. - Regione Campania
Sviluppo Campania is an in-house company of Regione Campania. Its mission is to contribute – under the Regione Campania guidelines – to carry out plans, pro …

Nicola Coppedè, Andrea Zappettini, Miche la Janni
Textile biochemical sensors allows to monitor plant lymph, and understand optimal irrigation, nutrition and health of the plant..

ITI "Enrico Fermi" Mantova, classe 5CCH
Tibic is a monitoring system, built on ESP32, designed for indoor or outdoor crops.
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am